Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Camera Trapping

After a year of working with Aleks and Bledi, the wonderful biologists of PPNEA, my computer is bursting with disorganized files of animal photos and camera trapping information. They, and their partner sponsors EuroNatur and KORA, are graciously letting us share the story of this project with you, so I’ll begin organizing our data here! Of course, if this is ever so exciting that you want to get involved, please feel free to ask to come along on your visit here and help us change cameras. If you think you may appear ON a camera (at least from the neck down) feel free to write and tell us the date and location, and I’ll happily send you a copy of your picture. And if you want to help more remotely, contributions can be made directly to EuroNatur and KORA on their websites. The guys at PPNEA are much too busy to fix their website (you know how THAT is) so you can send contributions for them care of us HERE. We’d really love it if people contributed enough to buy them a new GPS, because last winter theirs fell into the river in Rrogam and promptly disappeared and I’ve felt bad about it ever since.

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