Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Muzeu Historik i rrethit Tropoje

Muzeu historik i rrethit u ndertua ne vitin  1985, eshte nje nder muzete me te bukur persa i perket arkitektures se jashtme, por edhe zgjedhjen funksionale te brendshme ku jane gershetuar me se miri elementet e arkitektures te baneses vendase me ate bashkekohore.
Mjediset e ketij muzeu jane te bollshme dhe mese funksionale. Ka rreth 8 salla ekspozimi per eksponatet muzeale, me nje siperfaqe 1300m². Keto salla jane projektuar e realizuar ne formen e rratheve koncentrik dhe ka nje ndarje te kateve ne forme te tille qe kalon nga njeri kat ne tjetrin pa u vene re, me 3-4 shkalle.
Nje kompozim i tille u jep mundesi vizitoreve te levizin ne forme spirale duke u ngjitur krejt nartyrshem nga salla ne sale. Ky muze eshte i vendosur ne qender te qytetit, I harmonizuar bukur me mjediset perreth, me permendoren e Heroit te Popullit Bajram Currri, dhe ne sfond me nje copez te bukurive te alpeve tona, krijon nje ansambel te vertete historiko-arkitekturore dhe nje hijeshi te lakmueshme edhe per vizitoret.
Muzeu historik i Tropojes per peshen dhe vlerat muzeale e historike qe mbart ne gjirin e vet; per permasat, zgjidhjen arkitekturore funksionale, do te hynte i treti ne vendin tone, pas muzeut Kombetar dhe atij te Skenderbeut ne Kruje.
Ky muze mbart me vete trashegimine shume shekullore kulturore dhe historike te treves se Tropojes.
District Historical Museum was built in 1985, is one of the most beautiful museums in terms of exterior
 architecture, but also internal functional choice where they are combined with the best elements of accommodation with contemporary domestic architecture.
This museum premises are spacious and more than functional. There are about 8 exhibition halls for museum exhibits, with an area of 1300m ². These rooms are designed realized in the form of concentric circles and has a floor division in such form that passes from one floor to another without being noticed, with 3-4 scale.
One such composition enables visitors to move in spiral form, climbing all nartyrshem sale hall. This museum is located in the city center, harmonized beautifully with the surrounding environment, with the People's Hero Monument Bajram Currri, and in the background with a bit of the beauty of our Alps, creates a truly historical and architectural ensemble and a charm enviable even for visitors.
Historical Museum Tropojes and museum historical weight that carries in its bosom; dimensions, functional architectural solution would enter the third in our country after the National Museum and the Skanderbeg Kruja.
The museum carries with it many centuries old cultural and historical heritage Treves that Tropojes.

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