Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Parku Kombetar i Valbones

Parku Kombetar i Valbones
Lugina e Valbones eshte shpallur Park Kombetar ne janar te 1996. Ky park ka nje siperfaqe prej 8000 hektaresh. Konsiderohet si mrekullia e Alpeve. Ndodhet 25-30 km ne veri - perendim te qytetit Bajram Currit, qendra e rrethit te Tropojes. 
Kufizohet me Parkun Kombetar te Thethit dhe zonen natyrore strikt te mbrojtur”Lumi i Gashit”. Territori i tij pershkohet nga rruga automobilistike Bajram Curri-Dragobi-Valbone e Çerem. 
Ka maje te larta e te thepisura dhe per çdo stine nderron koloritin e ngjyrave dhe duke paraqitur nje dinamike te jashtzakonshme imazhesh ne kushtet e nje lugine plot te papritura e me shume labirinte.Ka vlera te larta shkencore,turistike,shoqerore rekreative,te cilat pasurohen me nje biodiversitet me rendesi kombetare e nderkombetare.

Ketu bukurite e natyres marrin formen e majave shkembore te lartae imponuese me faqe te veshura me pyje mes te cilave shtrihen e ndihet rrjedha e perrenjeve edhe e lumit te Valbones.
E pare nga lart te ofron imazhin e nje krateri gjigand te zbukuruar mrekullisht me te gjitha ngjyrat e natyres se gjalle.Ne hyrje te kufirit lindore,ne afersi te Shoshanit te impresionon nje peisazh i rralle per nga bukuria.
Ketu lumi i Valbones ngushtohet dhe duket sikur pret shkembin si me thike.Valbona buron nga shpatet e malit te Jezerces,me e larta e Alpeve Shqiptare(2693.5m).Valbona eshte lumi me i madh i Alpeve qe derdhet ne Drin.Zbritjet e lumit nga Bjeshket Ragamit e Çeremit plot zhurme e shkumezim.Ai gjen qetesi ne fshatin Valbone per te hecur plot gjalleri drejt Dragobise. deri ne 1m uji eshte i paster,i kthjellet dhe mjaft i tejdukshem.
Ne natyren e larmishme ,te ketij terreni ju mund te praktikoni te gjitha llojet e sporteve ,te beni turizem e te argetoheni .Ketu do te gjeni deboren e perjetshme edhe gjate veres ,do admironi ujvarat magjepse .Parku eshte i pasur me guva e shpella ,ku ne njeren prej tyre ne shpellen e Dragobise  eshte strehuar Bajram Curri udheheqes i shquar popullor i kesaj treve .
Eshte zona me e ftohte e vendit me dimer te gjate e te ashper.Periudha me e ftohte eshte  dhjetor – shkurt .Ne disa raste temperaturat zbresin ne – 10° C deri ne – 20°C . Ka 70 – 100 dite te akullta .
Bora arrin trashesine nga 1,5m – 5m dhe zgjat 60 – 160 dite .Vera eshte mjaft e fresket ,muajt me te nxehte jane korriku dhe gushti  me temperature 18 – 22°C.Sasia e reshjeve vjetore shkon 2000 – 2500 mm dhe ne zonat e vecanta  mbi 3000 mm.
Valbona National Park

Valbona Valley was declared a National Park in January 1996. This park has an area of ​​8000 hectares. Considered as the miracle of the Alps. Located 25-30 km north-west of the city Bajram Curri, Tropoja district center.
Borders National Park Theth and strictly protected natural area "Gashi River". Its territory is traversed by highway Bajram Curri-Dragobi-Valbone of Çerem.
Highest peak of the steep and for each season changes their color coloration and presenting an extraordinary dynamic images in a valley full of unexpected conditions and more labirinte.Ka high value scientific, tourist, social recreation, which are enriched with a national and international importance biodiversity.

Here the beauty of nature take the form of rocky peaks lartae compelling pages covered with forests, among which lie feels streams flow Valbona river.
Viewed from above offers the image of a giant crater wonderfully decorated with all the colors of nature gjalle.Ne entrance near the eastern border Shoshan impresses a landscape of rare beauty.
Here Valbona river narrows and seem to expect as thike.Valbona rock derived from the slopes of Mount Jezerca, the highest of the Albanian Alps (2693.5m). Valbona is the largest river that flows into the Alps River Drin.Zbritjet from mountains Ragamit Çeremit full noise shkumezim.Ai finds tranquility in the village Valbone to hecur swinging towards Dragobia. up to 1m water is clean, bright and very transparent.
We varied nature of this field, you can practice all kinds of sports, to make tourism have fun. Here you will find eternal snow even during the summer, will admire the magnificient waterfalls. Park is rich in caves, where in one of them in the cave of Dragobia is housed Bajram Curri prominent leader of this popular area.
Is the cold areas of the country with long winter of cold ashper.Periudha is from December to February. In some cases, temperatures down to - 10 ° C to - 20 ° C. 70 - 100 days of ice.
Snow reaches thickness of 1.5 m - 5m and lasts 60 - 160 days. Vera is very fresh, the hottest months are July and August with temperatures 18 - 22 ° C.Sasia annual rainfall ranges from 2000 to 2500 mm and in areas The particular over 3000 mm.

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